LinaMaria Bengtsson is a performing artist and jazz singer who started dancing lindyhop actively 2014 because of the love of Swing Music. She also likes Tap Dance, Acrobatics, Blues Dancing, Collegiate Shag, and Yoga.
Mattias Bruzelius fell in love with the lindyhop 2010 and spends most of his spare time dancing and practising acrobatics. He likes the joy, playfulness, musicality of the lindyhop, and the communication between lead and follow.
When Mattias och LinaMaria teaches, they are focusing on lead/following-techniques and having fun with the dance. Their priority is dynamics (softness, movement, energy) over routines, rules and patterns, and they believe that the lead and follow are equally responsible in the dance.
LinaMaria och Mattias have been teaching together since 2018, giving weekly classes in Malmö and Lund for HepTown, and in Helsingborg through Cats Corner. They teach summer courses at Fridhems Folkhögskola, and are performing with different show groups.
They also do weekend workshops in Lindyhop and Lindyhop Aerials and you are welcome to ask them for private lessons, workshops and performances.
LinaMaria 0733-305890
Mattias 0702-263534